Tree of Knowledge

Tijdens ons reis door de Morvan zagen we heel veel bijzondere en mooie bomen. Iedereen die mij een beetje kent, weet dat ik gek ben op bomen.

Dit gedicht (dat niet van mezelf is) is een prachtige ode aan alle bomen.

The Tree of Knowledge

never moving from your spot for decades
centuries even

The chickadees flutter
picking at hopes
in your lower extremities

The eastern peewee sings sonatas
from your summit

When the wind picks up
you amplify it
When the sun beats down
you luxuriate in it
When it rains
you shelter those below

Your tangled roots connect
with those around you
with those before you
You suck their offerings
through your toes

Your bark is shelter for the ants
Your leaves breakfast for the butterflies
Your fruit solace for the birds
Your breath means life for all

You know no past no future
You have no desire
to be elsewhere

You know no past no future
and yet
you know it all

@ Kent Wittenburg

Leuk als je dit deelt!

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